Many projects in Alberta must consider wetland management. Spencer Environmental personnel include recognized wetland Authenticating Professionals who ensure our clients comply with federal, provincial and municipal wetland policies, associated directives and other regulatory requirements. Our wetland services include the following:
Wetland identification, delineation and classification
Wetland restoration and construction services
Wetland replacement project site identification
Wetland Replacement Program monitoring pursuant to Alberta Wetland Policy
Wetland permanence assessment pursuant to Public Lands Act
Alberta Wetland Rapid Evaluation Tool - Actual/Desktop (ABWRET-A/D)
Wetland Assessment and Impact Form (WAIF)
Wetland Assessment and Impact Report (WAIR)
Wetland assessments, avoidance, minimization and replacement planning
Acquisition of Alberta Water Act Approvals and Code of Practice Notification submissions
Wetland management
DND bird hazard risk assessment, approval acquisition and performance monitoring