Major Civil Infrastructure Projects
Valley Line LRT-SE Leg
Location: Edmonton, AB - City Centre to Mill Woods, new ROW through river valley
Owner: City of Edmonton
Client: AECOM, lead of Connected Transit Partnership
Spencer Environmental served as environmental lead for preliminary design and procurement of the City’s first P3 initiative and Alberta’s largest municipal capital project. We are now environmental lead for the owner’s engineer during the current design and construction phase. The project includes construction of a new bridge over the North Saskatchewan River, a pedestrian bridge in the river valley, a wildlife underpass, one elevated station and an elevated guide-way section over Mill Creek. The project also involves tunneling through the river valley wall and major works in several city parks and in the vicinity of other sensitive land features.
Services Provided
Preparation of:
Wildlife and vegetation surveys (including nest sweeps and bat surveys)
Bylaw 7188 Environmental Impact Assessments
Innovative mitigation measures
P3 contract specifications
Defining environmental approval pathway
Review of bidder P3 technical submissions
Review of Proponent EMS and all Environmental Plans
5 years of oversight of Proponent environmental management
Northeast Anthony Henday Drive (Hwy 216)
Location: Edmonton, AB - Manning Drive to Whitemud Drive
Owner: Alberta Transportation
➤ Functional Planning - ISL Engineering and Land Services; Alberta Transportation
➤ Design and Construction - AECOM; Flatiron Dragados Aecon Lafarge
➤ Post-Construction Environmental Monitoring - FDAL
➤ Operations and Maintenance ISO 14001 Auditing - Capital City Link Group Partnership
Spencer Environmental served as environmental consultant for all phases of this segment of the provincial ring road, which spans 27 km of six- and eight-lane divided roadway, nine interchanges and at the time was the largest roadway construction project in Alberta. The project included construction of two new bridges over the North Saskatchewan River, 45 other bridges, several culverted crossings of tributary creeks, several river outfalls, 29 stormwater ponds and constructed wetlands, many in the DND Bird Hazard Zone and major earthworks.
Services Provided
Preparation of:
Wetland inventory
Wildlife and Vegetation Surveys
Environmental Evaluation
Liaison with environmental regulators
Innovative wetland compensation program
Design and construction phase EMS
All construction Environmental Plans, e.g. Contractor ECO Plan
Acquired ~50 provincial and federal environmental approvals
Undertook 5 years of construction environmental auditing
ROW vegetation establishment assessment
DND SWMF bird hazard reduction monitoring, 5 year program
Constructed wetland performance monitoring, 10 year program
ISO 14001 compliant external audit for Operations and Maintenance phase
Twinning of Highway 63:08 & 63:10
Location: Mariana Lakes to south of Fort McMurray
Owner: Alberta Transportation
➤ Section 63:08 - ARA Engineering Ltd & AECOM (Owner’s Engineer)
➤ Section 63:10 - Focus Engineering (Owner’s Engineer)
Spencer Environmental prepared environmental assessments and provided construction phase environmental services, including CPESC oversight for twinning of two segments of Highway 63, totaling 43.7 kilometers.
Services Provided
Preparation of:
Environmental Evaluation
Wetland Inventory
Review of Contractor ECO Plan
Review of Contractor TESC Plan
Acquired provincial and federal environmental approvals
Undertook 3 years of oversight of construction and environmental auditing