Environmental Assessment
Walterdale Bridge Replacement
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Owner: City of Edmonton
Client: ISL Engineering and Land Services Ltd.
Spencer Environmental served as the owner’s engineer environmental lead for the full life cycle of this replacement bridge over the North Saskatchewan River. Environment was considered during new bridge site selection, bridge design and construction and historic bridge demolition.
Services Provided:
Wildlife and vegetation surveys
Management of fisheries surveys and monitoring
Mitigation measure development
Bylaw 7188 Environmental Impact Assessment and addenda
Environmental permits and approvals acquisition
Review of contractor ECO Plans
5 years of oversight of contractor environmental management
Pilot Project – Ad Hoc Environmental Evaluations (EEs) for Three Highway Rehabilitation Projects
Location: Central Alberta
Client: Alberta Transportation, Central Region
Spencer Environmental undertook this AT pilot project to prepare ad hoc EEs as part of early planning and project scoping. We prepared Desktop EEs for rehabilitation works for Highway 12:10&12, Highway 590:04 and Highway 834:04. AT wished to assess the benefit of preparing EEs ahead of releasing RFPs for roadway improvement design and construction as a means of enabling more proactive mitigation measures, more timely application for environmental approvals, increasing cost-effectiveness and providing a more standardized means of investigating and managing the environmental effects of highway projects. Spencer Environmental prepared EEs and developed a culvert analysis protocol to assist in achieving AT objectives.
Services Provided:
Corridor reconnaissance
Characterization of vegetation
Watercourse mapping
Wetland mapping
Oversight of characterization of fish habitat
Oversight of soils mapping
Identification of permitting triggers
Mapping of all culverts and analysis of intersection with water features
Preparation of Environmental Evaluation documents